Instructions for payment by Paypal and Visa
Step 1:
At the payment interface, please select the plan you want to use and click Pay Now

Step 2:
At the Checkout interface, please click Credit/debit Cards & Paypal to pay by international payment card
At the Checkout interface, please click Credit/debit Cards & Paypal to pay by international payment card Then click on “I agree to the Terms of use” and BUY NOW to go to the payment interface.

Step 3:
At the Paypal payment interface, please fill in all information then “Log In” to pay by Paypal
In case you do not have Paypal, you can pay with Visa at “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” and log in with your Visa account then continue to pay as usual.

Step 4:
Everything is so simple, right? After filling out the information and making a successful payment, your account will be upgraded to VIP. Check it out at home page, you can use full features and products like Premium Soccertips and Series Soccertips.
Thank you for using Soccertips, good luck!!!